Sales statistics
new orders
this month
expected profit
Campaign | Client | Changes | Budget | Status | |
Today | |||||
02:00 - 03:00
Mintlime | 2.43% | $5,489 |
Active | |
Youtube videos
13:00 - 14:00
CDsoft | 3.12% | $2,592 |
Closed | |
Spotify ads
10:00 - 11:00
Diligence | 8.02% | $1,268 |
On hold | |
Twitter ads
04:00 - 05:00
Deluxe | 2.78% | $7,467 |
On hold | |
Yesterday | |||||
Bing campaign
15:00 - 16:00
Metrics | 5.78% | $970 |
Pending | |
Amazon ads
18:00 - 19:00
Blueish | 6.79% | $1,540 |
Active | |
Dribbble ads
20:00 - 21:00
Teamable | 9.83% | $8,350 |
Closed |
Members online
489 avg
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Up unpacked friendly
The him father parish looked has sooner. Attachment frequently terminated son hello...
It allowance prevailed
Alteration literature to or an sympathize mr imprudence. Of is ferrars subject enjoyed...
Case read they must
On it differed repeated wandered required in. Then girl neat why yet knew rose spot...
Consider now provided
Marianne or husbands if at stronger ye. Considered is as middletons uncommonly...Application | Time | Price |
Sigma application
New order
06:28 pm | $49.90 |
Alpha application
04:52 pm | $90.50 |
Delta application
01:26 pm | $60.00 |
Omega application
11:46 am | $55.00 |
Alpha application
10:29 am | $90.50 |
My messages
Jul 7, 10:30
this week3,568
this month32,693
all messages
Who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me...

That was something he was unable to do because...

But that would be extremely strained and suspicious...

What a strenuous career it is that I've chosen...

Amidst roadrunner distantly pompously where...

Tue, 19:58
Reasonable palpably rankly expressly grimy...

Tue, 16:35
Arguably therefore more unexplainable fumed...

Tue, 12:16
Nicely unlike porpoise a kookaburra past more...

Tue, 09:20
Before visual vigilantly fortuitous tortoise...

Tue, 03:29
Far affecting more leered unerringly dishonest...

Fri, 18:12
Tardy rattlesnake seal raptly earthworm...

Fri, 14:03
Since hello dear pushed amid darn trite...

Fri, 13:59
Dachshund cardinal dear next jeepers well...

Fri, 09:26
Lighted wolf yikes less lemur crud grunted...

Fri, 06:38
Less unicorn a however careless husky...
Daily financials
Stats for July, 6: 1938 orders, $4220 revenue
2 hours ago
Affiliate commission for June has been paid
36 minutes ago
Order #37745 from July, 1st has been refunded
4 minutes ago