NoUI sliders
Basic NoUI slider examples
Slider handles

The number of handles can be set using the start option. This option accepts an array of initial handle positions

Value: Value:
Non-linear slider

Sliders can be created with ever-increasing increments by specifying the value for the slider at certain intervals

Values range

The range has a min and max value. If the min value is equal to the max value, handles are evenly spread across the slider

Non-linear stepping

For every sub-range in a non-linear slider, stepping can be set. The step option only applies to the first sub-range

Value: Value:
Stepping and snapping

The amount the slider changes on movement can be set using the step option. In this example the step is set to 10

Snapping between steps

When a non-linear slider has been configured, the snap option can force the slider to jump between the specified values

Value: Value:
Slider Behaviour
Tapping, dragging, snapping etc.
Slider behaviour

The range can be set to drag, and handles can move to taps. All of them can be enable by using behaviour option

Value: Value:
Fixed dragging

In this example the slider keeps the distance between handles fixed when the 'drag' flag is set to drag-fixed value

Value: Value:
Tap behaviour

Set behaviour option to tap to allow slider handle to snap to a clicked location with a smooth transition. Default option.

Snap behaviour

Use snap to allow handle to snap to a clicked location. It can immediatly be moved, without a mouseup + mousedown

Drag behaviour

Makes the range draggable. This slider configuration requires two handles and the connect option must be set to true

Value: Value:
Combined options

Most 'behaviour' flags can be combined. In this example we combined drag and tap with '-' divider

Value: Value:
Pips and scales
Adding a scale/pips to a slider
Slider with pips

The range mode uses the range to determine where the pips should be. A pip is generated for every step

Count mode

The count mode can be used to generate a fixed number of pips. As with positions mode, the stepped option can be used

Filtered steps

In steps mode, a pip is generated for every step. The filter option can be used to filter the generated pips

Values mode

The values mode is similar to positions, but it accepts values instead of percentages. The stepped option can be used

RTL direction

Slider pips also support RTL direction. Set direction option to rtl to enable right-to-left direction for the slider

Positions mode

Example of positions mode. In positions mode, pips are generated at percentage-based positions on the slider

Advanced examples
More complex NoUI slider examples
Slider with tooltips

Sliders support a basic tooltip. The tooltips option can also accept formatting options to format the tooltips content

Value: Value:
Connect to lower side

The connect option can be used to control the bar between the handles or the edges of the slider

Min handles distance

When using two handles, the minimum distance between the handles can be set using the margin option

Value: Value:
Skipping steps

When a slider has been configured, the snap option can be set to true to force the slider to jump between values

Value: Value:
RTL slider direction

By default the sliders are top-to-bottom and left-to-right, but this can be changed using the direction option

Connect to upper side

In this example the connect option is set to upper to connect handle to the upper side of the slider

Vertical sliders
NoUI vertical slider orientation
Default vertical slider

The orientation setting can be used to set the slider to 'vertical'. Note that the height needs to be set

Vertical ranges

The range has a min and max value. If the min value is equal to the max value, handles are evenly spread across the slider

Connect to lower side

The connect option can be used to control the bar between the handles or the edges of the slider

Top to bottom pips

The range mode uses the range to determine where the pips should be. A pip is generated for every step

Connect to upper side

In this example the connect option is set to upper to connect handle to the upper side of the slider

Bottom to top pips

Slider pips also support RTL direction. Set direction option to rtl to enable right-to-left direction for the slider

Slider colors
Contextual NoUI slider alternatives
Default slider

By default all sliders are using primary color. You can override it by changing --slider-connect-bg variable

Success slider style

Use optional .noui-slider-success class to change slider connect background color to success

Secondary slider style

Use optional .noui-slider-secondary class to change slider connect background color to secondary

Warning slider style

Use optional .noui-slider-warning class to change slider connect background color to warning

Danger slider style

Use optional .noui-slider-danger class to change slider connect background color to danger

Info slider style

Use optional .noui-slider-info class to change slider connect background color to info

Other slider options
Optional slider settings
Sizes. Default handle

Sliders support 2 optional sizes: large and small. Use .noui-slider-[lg|sm] classes to change the size

Sizes. Solid handle

To change default handle color to match the connector background, add .noui-slider-solid class

Sizes. White handle

To remove inner circle from slider handle, add .noui-slider-white class. You can also change its color if needed

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