Floating action button

Floating action button (FAB) menu - very useful component to display a single floating button with or without nested menu. Supports plenty of different styling, interaction and direction options and can be added nearly to any container within page layout or to page itself. By default, it supports top and bottom menu direction, but can be easily extended to left and right directions with simple CSS additions. Inner elements can be either buttons with single icon or image thumbnails.

Default FAB menu markup:

									<!-- Clickable menu -->
									<div class="fab-menu" data-fab-toggle="click">
										<a class="fab-menu-btn btn btn-primary btn-icon rounded-pill">
											<div class="m-1">
												<i class="fab-icon-open ph-plus"></i>
												<i class="fab-icon-close ph-x"></i>

										<ul class="fab-menu-inner">
												<div data-fab-label="Compose email">
													<a href="#" class="btn btn-light btn-icon rounded-pill">
														<i class="ph-pencil m-1"></i>
												<div data-fab-label="Conversations">
													<a href="#" class="btn btn-light btn-icon rounded-pill">
														<i class="ph-chats m-1"></i>
													<span class="badge bg-success position-absolute start-100 top-0 translate-middle rounded-pill">5</span>
									<!-- /clickable menu -->
Basic examples
Demo of buttons and button lists
Single floating button

Floating button uses our regular button markup with .fab-menu-btn class wrapped in .fab-menu container

Open menu on hover

Sub menu can be opened on hover. To show menu on hover, add data-fat-boggle="hover" in .fab-menu container

Open menu on click

Most common use case is to show menu on click. Use data-fat-boggle="click" in .fab-menu container

FAB menu elements
Buttons, dropdown menus and images
Simple buttons

Sub menu usually contains regular rounded buttons with single icon. You can use any button style in the list

Button with dropdowns

Buttons also support left and right dropdowns. Use dropstart/dropend classes for correct placement

Button with images

You can also use images instead of icons inside buttons. Some adjustments may be required for better look

Inner button elements
Badges, labels, color marks and status indicators
Badges with number

Buttons can container labels and badges in any style. Use a set of utility classes to position them properly

Badge mark

If you prefer to show a simple colored indicator, usage of utility classes is exactly the same as with badges

Status indicators

Our simple status indicator component is also supported, when buttons contain images instead of icons

Inner button labels
Display tooltips on left/right sides in 2 colors
Visible labels

Use .fab-label-visible class in parent container to make tooltips always visible when the list is expanded

Light labels

All button types support light and dark tooltips displayed on hover. In dark theme all colors are inverted

Label positions

Button tooltips also support left or right placement. Left is default, use .fab-label-end to display it on the right

Default button colors
Examples of pre-defined contextual colors
Default button color

We are using light as our default button style. Make sure .fab-menu-btn class is always included as well

Success button color

Success contextual color alternative using .btn-success class. Outline and flat styles are also supported

Primary button color

Primary contextual color alternative using .btn-primary class. Outline and flat styles are also supported

Warning button color

Warning contextual color alternative using .btn-warning class. Outline and flat styles are also supported

Danger button color

Danger contextual color alternative using .btn-danger class. Outline and flat styles are also supported

Info button color

Info contextual color alternative using .btn-info class. Outline and flat styles are also supported

Custom color options
Use custom color in main and inner buttons
Custom main button color

Use optional button color classes to apply secondary colors to the main button. All styles are supported

Custom inner button color

You can also use any button color classes in the button list inside .fab-menu-inner submenu container

Mixing button colors

Feel free to also mix button colors and styles, submenu supports unlimited number of buttons in the list

FAB menu classes
FAB menu styling is fully controlled by CSS. you can apply different color and button styling options directly in markup. Direction and display options are also can be changed on the fly just by replacing data attributes or class names in main container. Table below demonstrates all available classes that can be used with the FAB menu:
Class Description
Basic classes
.fab-menu Default menu class name, added to <ul> element
.fab-menu-inner Container class for inner menu list, added to inner <ul> element
.fab-icon-open Icon visible by default, hidden when menu opened
.fab-icon-close Icon that appears when menu is opened, hidden when menu closed
Positions and directions
.fab-menu-top Static button, menu opens below the button
.fab-menu-bottom Static button, menu opens above the button
Menu positioning
.fab-menu-absolute Absolute positioning. Can be used in any container
.fab-menu-fixed Fixed positioning. Can be used in main container only, relative to page layout
Menu visibility
data-fab-toggle="click" Open menu on click. Applies to main menu container that has .fab-menu class
data-fab-toggle="hover" Open menu on hover. Applies to main menu container that has .fab-menu class
data-fab-state="opened" Display menu on page load. Works only with data-fab-toggle="click" option
Inner button labels
data-fab-label="..." Text label to display on inner button hover. Must be added to <div> element inside inner menu item
.fab-label-end Display labels on the right side. Default position is left. Must be added to <div> element inside inner menu item
.fab-label-light Use this class if you want to display light labels instead of default dark. Must be added to <div> element inside inner menu item
.fab-label-visible By default, all labels appear on hover. To make them always visible, add this class to <div> element inside inner menu item
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