Default badges
Badge component allows you to easily highlight new or unread items, label and categorize using keywords that describe them, notify users about some useful information and mark items depending on the priority. Badges don't have background color by default and require .bg-* color utility classes, some of them also require .text-* classes to match color contrast ratio.
Basic examples
Primary badge Primary Primary color. To use, add .bg-primary class to the base .badge container
Secondary badge Secondary Secondary color. To use, add .bg-secondary class to the base .badge container
Danger badge Danger Red badge in danger context. To use, add .bg-danger class to the base .badge container
Success badge Success Green badge in success context. To use, add .bg-success class to the base .badge container
Warning badge Warning Orange badge in warning context. To use, add .bg-warning class to the base .badge container
Info badge Info Cyan badge in info context. To use, add .bg-info class to the base .badge container
Light badge Light Light color. To use, add .bg-light and .text-body classes to the base .badge container
Dark badge Dark Dark color. To use, add .bg-dark class to the base .badge container
Transparent badge Transparent Badge with transparent background. To use, add .text-body class to the base .badge container
Additional colors
Pink badge color Pink Pink color. To use, add .bg-pink class to the base .badge container
Purple badge color Purple Purple color. To use, add .bg-purple class to the base .badge container
Indigo badge color Indigo Indigo color. To use, add .bg-indigo class to the base .badge container
Teal badge color Teal Teal color. To use, add .bg-teal class to the base .badge container
Yellow badge color Yellow Yellow color. To use, add .bg-yellow and .text-black classes to the base .badge container
Optional styles
Roundless badge Roundless badge This badge doesn't have rounded borders. To use, add .rounded-0 class to the .badge element
Block badge Block badge This badge fills 100% width of a parent element. To use, add .d-block or .w-100 class to the .badge element
Linked badge Linked badge You can also use badges as a link in an <a> element
Label with dropdown Dropdown menu attached to the badge
Icon in badge Badge with icon. To use, add .p-1 and color classes to .badge element
Icon in linked badge Linked badge with icon. To use, add .p-1 and color classes to .badge link element
Icon in rounded badge Rounded linked icon. Usage is the same, but with additional .rounded-pill class
Icon in linked rounded badge The same as above, but inside link element
Striped badges
Striped badge simulates a classic styling of tags from the old days. All color versions have consistent background color that is set with .bg-light color utility class, and since the default styling of badge element is very limited, the use of other utilities is required. You can control the width of left/right border and its color, as well as background and text colors. All is configurable.
Basic examples
Primary badge Primary Primary border color. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-primary class
Secondary badge Secondary Secondary border color. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-secondary class
Danger badge Danger Red border color in danger context. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-danger class
Success badge Success Green border color in success context. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-success class
Warning badge Warning Orange border color in warning context. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-warning class
Info badge Info Cyan border color in info context. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-info class
Dark badge Default Dark border color. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-dark class
Additional colors
Pink badge Pink Pink border color. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-pink class
Purple badge Purple Purple border color. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-purple class
Indigo badge Indigo Indigo border color. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-indigo class
Teal badge Teal Teal border color. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-teal class
Yellow badge Yellow Yellow border color. Requires a combination of various utility classes along with .border-yellow class
Optional styles
Right border Right border To highlight right border instead of left, add .border-end.rounded-end-0 classes in .badge element
Linked badge Linked badge Linked striped badge. Use .border-* color class and other utility classes in <a> element
Label with dropdown Dropdown menu attached to the striped badge with optional caret
Icon in striped badge Badge with icon. To use, add .p-1 and color classes to .badge element
Icon in linked striped badge Linked badge with icon. To use, add .p-1 and color classes to .badge link element
Flat badges
Flat badges use background color with 20% opacity and corresponding text color. They don't require any custom class names as all styling is done via .bg-opacity-25 background opacity class, which also works well in dark theme. Depending on design choice, you can change opacity level from 20% to 10|25|50|75|100 by using utility classes.
Basic examples
Primary badge Primary Light primary color. Use .bg-primary.text-primary classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make primary background semi-transparent
Secondary badge Secondary Light secondary color. Use .bg-secondary.text-secondary classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make secondary background semi-transparent
Danger badge Danger Light red color in danger context. Use .bg-danger.text-danger classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make danger background semi-transparent
Success badge Success Light green color in success context. Use .bg-success.text-success classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make success background semi-transparent
Warning badge Warning Light orange color in warning context. Use .bg-warning.text-warning classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make warning background semi-transparent
Info badge Info Light cyan color in info context. Use .bg-info.text-info classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make info background semi-transparent
Dark badge Dark Light black color. Use .bg-dark.text-reset classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make dark background semi-transparent
Additional colors
Pink badge color Pink Light pink color. Use .bg-pink.text-pink classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make pink background semi-transparent
Purple badge color Purple Light purple color. Use .bg-purple.text-purple classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make purple background semi-transparent
Indigo badge color Indigo Light indigo color. Use .bg-indigo.text-indigo classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make indigo background semi-transparent
Teal badge color Teal Light teal color. Use .bg-teal.text-teal classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make teal background semi-transparent
Yellow badge color Yellow Light yellow color. Use .bg-yellow.text-yellow classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make yellow background semi-transparent
Flat badge options
Roundless badge Roundless badge This badge doesn't have rounded borders. To use, add .rounded-0 class to the .badge element
Linked flat badge Linked badge Use .badge and other utility classes in <a> element
Block badge Block badge To make flat badge full width, use .d-block class. Works with linked badges as well
Flat badge with dropdown Dropdown menu attached to the flat badge with optional caret
Icon in flat badge Icon inside flat badge. To use, add .p-1 in combination with color classes
Icon in linked flat badge Icon inside linked flat badge. To use, add .p-1 in combination with color classes
Icon in flat rounded badge Icon inside rounded flat badge. To use, add .p-1 in combination with color classes
Icon in linked rounded badge The same as above, but inside link element
Pill badges
Rounded badges is a classic style of numeric values, mostly used as counters. All badges have minimum width that equals badge height, which means the badge is displayed as a perfect circle if the value consists of 1 digit and grows horizontally. No custom badge classes are required, just use global .rounded-pill utility class in .badge element.
Basic examples
Primary pill badge 32 Primary color. Use .bg-primary and .rounded-pill classes
Secondary pill badge 78 Secondary color. Use .bg-secondary and .rounded-pill classes
Danger pill badge 34 Red color in danger context. Use .bg-danger and .rounded-pill classes
Success pill badge 65 Green color in success context. Use .bg-success and .rounded-pill classes
Warning pill badge 76 Orange color in warning context. Use .bg-warning and .rounded-pill classes
Info pill badge 98 Cyan color in info context. Use .bg-info and .rounded-pill classes
Light pill badge 24 Light color. Use .bg-light.text-body and .rounded-pill classes
Dark pill badge 72 Dark color. Use .bg-dark and .rounded-pill classes
Additional colors
Pink badge color 48 Pink color. Use .bg-pink and .rounded-pill classes
Purple badge color 54 Purple color. Use .bg-purple and .rounded-pill classes
Indigo badge color 20 Indigo color. Use .bg-indigo and .rounded-pill classes
Teal badge color 86 Teal color. Use .bg-teal and .rounded-pill classes
Yellow badge color 42 Yellow color. To use, add .bg-yellow.text-dark and .rounded-pill classes
Pill badge options
Linked badge 22 Linked badge. Use .badge and other badge classes in <a> element
Badge with dropdown Dropdown menu attached to the badge element.
Flat pill badges
Primary badge 59 Light primary color. Use .bg-primary.text-primary.rounded-pill classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make primary background semi-transparent
Secondary badge 64 Light secondary color. Use .bg-secondary.text-secondary.rounded-pill classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make secondary background semi-transparent
Danger badge 83 Light red color in danger context. Use .bg-danger.text-danger.rounded-pill classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make danger background semi-transparent
Success badge 93 Light green color in success context. Use .bg-success.text-success.rounded-pill classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make success background semi-transparent
Warning badge 38 Light orange color in warning context. Use .bg-warning.text-warning.rounded-pill classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make warning background semi-transparent
Info badge 67 Light cyan color in info context. Use .bg-info.text-info.rounded-pill classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make info background semi-transparent
Dark badge 82 Light black color. Use .bg-dark.text-reset.rounded-pill classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make dark background semi-transparent
Additional colors
Pink badge color Pink Light pink color. Use .bg-pink.text-pink classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make pink background semi-transparent
Purple badge color Purple Light purple color. Use .bg-purple.text-purple classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make purple background semi-transparent
Indigo badge color Indigo Light indigo color. Use .bg-indigo.text-indigo classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make indigo background semi-transparent
Teal badge color Teal Light teal color. Use .bg-teal.text-teal classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make teal background semi-transparent
Yellow badge color Yellow Light yellow color. Use .bg-yellow.text-yellow classes in combination with .bg-opacity-20 to make yellow background semi-transparent
Flat pill badge options
Linked pill badge 49 Linked pill flat badge. Use .badge and other border/text color classes in an <a> element
Pill badge with dropdown Dropdown menu attached to the badge with optional caret
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