Feed list styles

Feed list is a regular bullet list with a custom style, where each item has a small bullet and item connector. It can be easily extended to support children elements, multiple lines, images, icons, action buttons etc. The most common use case for this list style is notifications or activity feed. It supports 3 different shapes (circle, square and rhombus) and 2 styles (empty and filled).

Empty circle

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Empty square

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Empty rhombus

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Filled circle

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Filled circle

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Filled circle

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod
Color options

You can change default bullet and connector color with our border color utility classes. You can apply custom border color to the whole list by adding the same color class to all items, or change border color in each item separately. To change colors, simply add .border-[color] to .list-feed-item element. This option is supported by all bullet shapes and styles.

All empty list items

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Partial empty list items

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

All solid list items

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Partial solid list items

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod
Date and time

In these examples we added time and date stamp to each item in different alignment options. Date and time stamps can be displayed before the bullet and connector, sticked to the right edge of the container, displayed above or below the item text. In case of left aligned stamps, .list-feed-time class is required in the list item element.

Left aligned

12:47 David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
10:25 User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
09:37 Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
08:28 Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
07:58 All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
06:32 Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Top aligned

Jan 12, 12:47
David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
Jan 11, 10:25
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Jan 10, 09:37
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Jan 9, 08:28
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
Jan 8, 07:58
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Jan 7, 06:32
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Right aligned

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Bottom aligned

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
Jan 12, 12:47
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Jan 11, 10:25
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Jan 10, 09:37
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
Jan 9, 08:28
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Jan 8, 07:58
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod
Jan 7, 06:32
Other options

A few more examples of how the feed list is displayed with inline elements. Here we show a simple list of actionable icons and a list with dropdown menu. Icons and dropdown menus can be also displayed in the feed item itself. For better alignment, add .d-flex.flex-nowrap classes to each .list-feed-item element.

Icon list

David Linner requested refund for a double bank card charge
User Christopher Wallace from Google is awaiting for staff reply
Ticket #43683 has been resolved by Victoria Wilson
Eugene Kopyov merged Master, Demo and Dev branches
All sellers have received payouts for December, 2016!
Chris Arney created a new ticket #43136 and assigned to John Nod

Icon dropdown

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Demo configuration
Color mode
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